
Showing posts from 2016
Fashion is my passion! I love putting things together! I thank God for my creativity!! He has blessed me.You always should  give credit back to the creator because He is the one who gives us our abilities!!

Living in Your Moment

Have you ever been in a place where you were fasting and praying and asking the Lord for something and when it comes to pass it's not what you thought? I know I have!! God will always be outside of your comfort zone so you can totally rely on Him! It is Him that we move and have our being!!       Keep on looking for those moments that He can be the wind beneath your wing!!
Happy Valentine's Day!! 2.14.16 We had an amazing day the Lord is so good and merciful!We celebrated Jesus!!  We received communion and was very thankful to God! We also enjoyed one another! If we love like God, we can have a perfect love relationship just like the Father and Son! God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son!  Isn.t that amazing?? So you didn't have that special someone to celebrate with its ok God knows all and see's all! He hasn't  forgotten about you He loves you with unconditional love! That is the greatest love you will ever experience in your life time! So please do not grow weary in doing good because in due season you will reap if you faint not!  He is in control of your life He has everything you need including a mate.  Be encouraged don't sit around miserable it does get better fall in love with Jesus its the best thing you will ever do!!

"Express Your Love"

Me and My wonderful Husband We love to have fun together we just get it when it comes to enjoying life with one another!  We have gone through a lot of things that could have split us up but God used it to make us stronger and closer together!  He is my best friend and I love him dearly!! He is my Pastor my husband and my friend! All wrapped in one!! I am a blessed women to have met this man!!

Kept Women Brunch! Let's Shine Bright Like a Diamond!

Hello Ladies!    I am super excited about our first Kept Women Brunch May 21st, 2016 . It is going to be filled with fun, laughter, tears of joy and most importantly love. Please register by April 30th, 2016 so that we can make sure we have a seat ready just for you! Lots of Love, Evangelist Melissa Bratcher Click on link to register! Kept Women Brunch registration
Thankful for my Portion

Who You Were Who You are and Who You Will Become

We are constantly changing and evolving We sometimes get caught up in who we use to be or forget that we will always be going through transitions in our lives. We should always be paying attention to what season we are in.   Either we was that young lady now we are a women or we will become more than we are now!  We should always be conscious of these changes.  I know when I was younger I was reckless! I really didn't have a care in the world about someone else's feelings! Going through rejection being a daddy's girl and my parents splitting I was left out and I didn't know how to deal with this situation.  Growing up as a young teenager being sexually abused I couldn't cope with these emotions which left me even more hurt and confused.  I built so many walls it was ridiculous but that is how I coped.  I was mean for no reason anything would set me off!  My mother never ...

Be Encouraged| Peace be still


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Insecurity| My Testimony


Giving your best through obedience

It can get very hard giving your best to the Lord but it is required of us! Why would we give the one and only person that gave us His best, give Him our leftovers? Well we do it all the time! Malachi ask the question will a man rob God? Yes, When we don't give Him our best that is exactly what we are doing! Surrender your heart time money all that you have to give back to God because of the perect gift that He gave us....... His son!!! That is enough to get excited about!!! Press in and give him the first of everything not just when you want to but even when you don't want to!!!
Does it seem like everyone is getting a breakthrough all around you and you are waiting on God to come through for you?? Well let me tell you the Lord is still there He said that He will never leave you or forsake you so know that God has a plan for your life! Know that if He brings you to itHe will bring you through it!! Learn from Him He is meek and humble. We have to learn how Christ operates in the spirit! Blessings