
Showing posts from 2015
Has it felt like God has forsaken you?   Does it feel like God doesn't hear you? It seems that He hears everyone else but you?  You have been waiting for something to manifest in your life for you and nothing is happening for you? Well let me tell you to keep going be encouraged, get in the word of God  and let Him minister to your spirit!  Let Him console you and let you know who He is even if you don't feel like your current situation is good it is because God uses everything to speak to us! He will never leave you or forsake you so trust that!! Don't loose hope and don't loose your faith because He has a plan for you!  Don't go off of your feelings cause it will not stir you right only God can do that!! Let Him lead you!!  

My Love Letter to God

Dear God,                 This is your daughter.  I lay it all before you because you know it all anyway.  I am a women that has a family that just want to be the best mother the best wife that I can be.  There are times that I don't feel like I am good enough.  It's like I have a mirror setting in front of me and I am looking at it and sometimes I don't like what I see.  I see all of my flaws when the world says that they are "Flawless" and I am far from that. I see a young women trying to figure out who she is sometimes and my  prayers are that you will show me the real and you do and that is the problem sometimes because when I ask you something you answer it, it may not be  how I would like for it to be but you do answer me.  I see me and I am learning to see me how you see me.  As your beautiful daughter who you created for your workmanship.  I am a child of yours and I know you love me...

Love Christ and the rest will follow!!


Confront your issues!!

We must confront the issues head on and recognize what is really real!!  We      all have them and there is no avoiding them!! Let God show you how to deal with them.         He is ready to help!! Through Him we can do all things that strengthen us!! We can conquer the world through Him!! Obey the voice of the Lord let Him heal you and direct you.  

Be KEPT by God

 Be Kept By God He Keeps Every Promise True!!

Waiting on GOD!!!

Waiting on God is a learned thing! Waiting on God is not an easy thing to do! While things seem as if they are falling apart what can I do but, keep reaching out for things that around me?  I need answers and I need them now! What do you do when you are praying and you can't see or hear anything? Trust me I've been there plenty of times with my pitiful self!  God just wants us to trust in Him.  Trouble will come that is part of life but, how you will handle it? Learn to lean on Him and trust His ways not your own but how He will see you through your hard times. Just wait on Him you are in a waiting zone!!

Follow the Leader

When you follow Christ He will lead your heart! He will guide your steps they are ordered already! Will you follow??

You are winning!!

Living in a place of "I was supposed to be"

Have you ever lived in a place where you were "suppose to be"further along than you thought? Maybe you thought you would have started your own business by now"? Are you living in a " I was supposed to be"moment?  So, while you are on your knees in despair and disbelief, PRAY!!!!!! Ask the Father, what do you want me to do?.....and get up from there and get to it!! You have no more time to waste!! You have spent so much time on wishful thinking and its not going to change until you change! O.k, so you missed the mark its o.k God is waiting on you to commune with Him. He has His arm stretched out wide waiting to help!! Don't let another day, another moment go by and you didn't maximize the moment.  I can look back on the time and see time didn't slow down and wait for me! They are so many things that I could have done differently but that time has gone. I must move on and realize that today is a new day!! So don't live in that p...

September 19, 2015

A Place of Brokenness!! In a place of brokenness the rubbish remains. It doesn't seem like much but it is enough for our God. Through the broken pieces He makes things beautiful!! He takes broken things and fixes them! When I was feeling alone I heard a still small voice calling my name.               It seems like it is in the distance but I notice that I am not alone You are with me You promised not to leave me or forsake me. I am in shambles but you love me just the way I  am !!! I have never experienced a love like this I can't explain!   You mean you love me??In this place of brokenness!! But I have nothing to offer you except this broken heart!! God says It's perfect a broken and contrite spirit you are sorry for the things you've done. You are asking for my help and I will help you! I love you will you love me back?    You mean you love me?  I was just living my life without you I was just doing my own ...


He that walk with wise men will be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.  Ladies watch the company you keep!! You are as great as the people around you.  People that will miss guide you will have you messed up!!    If you are the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room! In other words   I challenge you to find people that will push you to your max.  Get up and try to make something happen through the Grace of the Father. Seek Him out through prayer and by reading His word.  Be #KEPT Ladies  You are royalty #KEPTWOMEN

Be Blessed

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8 #Keptwomen
Jesus will keep you in perfect peace! Lord you are my peace!! I want to be KEPT by you! Jesus says that if you love Him you will keep his Commandments John 14:15 #KEPTWOMEN

See it and believe it!

Ladies!!!When you recognize your worth he will too!!  Don't harden your heart or close your eyes to the truth fall in love with Christ.  He will show you love unmeasured.#keptwomen

God's Best

Ladies you are God's best KEPT creation! Know your worth #KEPTWOMEN 


Ladies wear humility like a new coat!! Ruth went to Boaz in the chamber and rest at his feet.  We must be humble and meek while serving him.  But ladies make sure he is your Boaz don't waste your time serving someone that is not worthy of it!! BE #KEPT
Proverbs 18:10  The name of the LORD is a strong tower, The righteous runs into it and is safe. Ladies being KEPT by Christ, you have someone to cover you and His name is Jesus! Even in your singleness you are not alone!!

Kept Women

Psalms 18:21 For I have Kept the ways of the Lord. I have not sinned by turning from God. Ladies the Lord want us to keep His ways.  We can be Kept if we will release our thoughts and ways to Christ and let Him fight our battles.  We need not to worry when we have Christ as the head of our lives!!
Waiting on God is a learned thing!   Waiting on God is not an easy thing to do! While things seem as if they are falling apart what can I do but, keep reaching out for things that around me?  I need answers and I need them now! What do you do when you are praying and you can't see or hear anything? Trust me I've been there plenty of times with my pitiful self!  God just wants us to trust in Him.  Trouble will come that is part of life but, how you will handle it? Learn to lean on Him and trust His ways not your own but how He will see you through your hard times. Just wait on Him you are in a waiting zone!!

Be Kept

Being Kept by Christ is a wonderful thing!! Waiting on God to place you right where you need to be is good!!  It might not feel good but trust me it is the best place to be!  Loosing your life to gain a life with Him now and eternity now that is worth the wait!!

Kept for Christ

This blog is for Women            Have you found yourself out side of God's will?  Looking for love bad  and ended up in a bad relationship? You don't know your worth, Settling for less?     This is for all women. Married or Single Young or Old. I have discovered in my life that God wants us to be hidden and reserved for something and someone good.  He said He would not withhold any good thing from us!  We just have to let the Lord Keep us.  Know that God wants us to be kept.           He created women to be a Help mate a Friend a Mother a Sister which ever one you are, He created you to be the best you can be and He intended for you to be KEPT.  He said He promised HE would  never leave us or forsake us, He will be with us to the end of the earth.  We are His bride and He is the bridegroom.  God wants us to Himself.  Whether you are married or single He created us ...

Welcome to Kept Women blog!!
