Living in a place of "I was supposed to be"
Have you ever lived in a place where you were "suppose to be"further along than you thought? Maybe you thought you would have started your own business by now"?
Are you living in a " I was supposed to be"moment?
So, while you are on your knees in despair and disbelief, PRAY!!!!!! Ask the Father, what do you want me to do?.....and get up from there and get to it!!
So, while you are on your knees in despair and disbelief, PRAY!!!!!! Ask the Father, what do you want me to do?.....and get up from there and get to it!!
You have no more time to waste!! You have spent so much time on wishful thinking and its not going to change until you change!
O.k, so you missed the mark its o.k God is waiting on you to commune with Him. He has His arm stretched out wide waiting to help!!
Don't let another day, another moment go by and you didn't maximize the moment. I can look back on the time and see time didn't slow down and wait for me!
They are so many things that I could have done differently but that time has gone. I must move on and realize that today is a new day!!
They are so many things that I could have done differently but that time has gone. I must move on and realize that today is a new day!!
So don't live in that place called "I was suppose to "do this and that!! Create with GOD a new thing!!!#keptwomen
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